hello New Girl

Photography by Erica B. Studio + Design
Graphic Design by Mary Joy Gumayagay
Sample Yarn: The Plucky Knitter Plucky Feet in Twill, Buzz Lighter & Brooch


From the moment the New Guy collection came together, I knew I had to create a counterpart for little girls. Though my household has not been graced with the presence of a tiny Her,  I just recently got my very first niece.  I finally have the opportunity to make dainty wee things whether she likes it…


… or not!


Like New Guy, the designs are sized from Preemie to Toddler with a variety of options.  For example the newborn bunting can be knit like this for the tiniest recipients:


Or, finished like this if they are ready to rock it all over town:


And maybe you want to make it with long sleeves, directions are included for that too. Or, pair it with a delicate little cardigan:


The cardi is very versatile, it even looks good with no pants! Bahahaha. 


There are 3 accessory designs in the collection and they are sized even for older little ladies past the toddler designation. I feel like these warmers need to be knit in every size so she always has a pair. 


The colorwork included is whimsical and minimal and any of it can be simplified by working duplicate stitch after you knit, replacing the stranded work with stripes or even leaving pieces solid, the better to match everything in her wardrobe. I used scrumptious Plucky Knitter Plucky Feet for my samples and the colors were just perfect. 


The New Girl e-book will be released in early October and the hard copy booklet will follow a few weeks later.  You can get the booklet at your local yarn shop while you are snagging your New Guy.   Friends will call you the baby shower Queen. You can also pre-order the collection from me through my website.  If you choose to pre-order, for the price of one version of the booklet ($12) you will receive:

•  E-book as soon as it is released
•  Booklet as soon as it is available
•  Custom Tot Toppers stitch markers
•  Custom New Girl gift tags

The pre-order offer is available only up until the e-book is released, as early as October 1. After that, both versions of the booklet will be sold separately at their regular prices.  To get the package, place both the booklet and the e-book in your cart on TotToppers.com and apply the code NEWGIRL at checkout.


I have one other little incentive for you.  If you’ve not snagged your copy of New Guy yet, and you choose to purchase it in the same transaction as your New Girl pre-order,  I’ll follow up with you and send you a 25% off coupon for the pattern of your choice from my shop. I’m also able to apply this to previous purchases of New Guy that were placed on my website but please do drop me a note about it after you purchase New Girl.  


Yarn shops, I have an offer for you as well.  NNK Press will be offering a 10% pre-order discount on your wholesale purchases of New Girl until they get the booklets in stock in October.  You will also receive a complimentary e-book as soon as it is released so that you can whip up some samples for your shop. These projects are so tiny and quick that it will take you no time at all. Click here to view my books at NNK Press.


I hope you’re ready to create a delightfully squishy ensemble for a very special little lady.  No matter whether you’ll get to hold her every day or see her in pictures from afar, she’s sure to feel the love in every stitch.  Pamper that darling for as long as she will allow it.


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